Monday, April 30, 2012

App Review 2

This app fosters self expression and literacy. It is free and easy to use.My son has done his journals and written books with this app. I have even had a student do a graphic for a commercial on it.

This is from a book I wrote for him.

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I think that an ePotfolio is a great assessment tool.
I liked it because it was something that I could use my creativity on .
I could also build on it.  I used my iPad, when I had extra time I worked on it.
The ePortfolio reminds me of a make-and-take. 
It is practical.  I loved that the purpose was,"two-fold".
I feel like I could go back and add to it.
It allows me to show what I know.

App review

I am always in search apps that require my students to use creativity.  I think that it requires higher order thinking.  They are creating something new.  I found an app that allows students to show learning,in that way.  The app is called, Morfo. Morfo takes a photograph and turns it into a 3D video.  The user is able to speak and customize the image. 
Below I have included demos from my son and a student.

Students can use this to show pronunciation and knowledge of vocabulary. 

Students could even journal or summarize a concept.
The app was free and very easy to use.

Students would not have to take several days to render a product.  The process is quick. I love it.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

The ,"One Size Fits All Factory"

Differentiated Instruction.
It is a must.
When I think about this method,I think about my own education.
I was educated in the,"One size fits all factory".

I believe that every child is unique and has something great to offer the world.

This year, I have come up with interesting ways to meet the needs of my learners.
Technology has been key.

Sometimes, I see an app and think of a particular student.

The App: Visual Poet

It allows students to combine poetry and photography.
Teachers could use it as a visual anchor to vocabulary.

This app would provide everything this student needs.He could show his learning,in a way that comes naturally to him.

I am creative/visual...NOT Linguistic.
I actually enjoyed writing!

Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Monday, April 16, 2012


Presentation time.
My students have used iMovie to make presentations, as well as a few other apps.

I make presentations too.  I usually make them to model something or to kick off a project.
I really, really like KeyNote and EduCreations.

I think I like these apps because I know that I am visual.
EduCreations reminds me of...

RSA Animate -- Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us from Daniel Pink on Vimeo.

I wish this company had an app.
It was aesthetically appealing, informative and witty.

When I started my Test Taking Project, I knew I had to have an amazing start.

I came up with something that had those elements...and a sprinkle of shock.

See it for yourself...

I used the Fim Director/Silent Film App.
It was easy to use. The librarian and I took the pictures while my students were away
at a field trip.We had so much fun!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


I used this video as a model for my students.
My 4 yr old made one too,just to show how easy it was. (They liked his better.) :)
I am really excited to see what my students do with it.
Nari from Briana Watson on Vimeo.

Depth of Knowledge

I was thinking about our Choice Board.  In terms of the depth of knowledge, our assignments fall under levels two and three.  They are applying concepts within other contexts.This student used his vocabulary to make a game show. 

Kick It Up a Notch
In order to make the assessment better, I could have students critique and edit products.  Reflection:
if in a grup setting, students could discuss things that went well and things that did not.They could write about personal contributions and ideas for making products better.

Flipped Classroom and Social Media in Schools

This week I learned about a concept called,"The Flipped Classroom". I thought it was a creative method for meeting our learners where they are...literally. In addition,I thought the concept might facilitate a better use of classroom time. Students could have more time practicing concepts, under the guidance of the teacher. The "direct instruction" part of my job, takes up more time than I would like. I prefer the days when my students are in small groups, engaged and in charge. When my job is to facilitate, I have time to  connect and clarify I think using this method might provide more time for that.
A Case For Social Media
  My son is four. When he has skills to obtain or to master,learning is fueled by his interest.

For example, his love of cars helped teach his colors,sorting and counting.

Had I used a worksheet or flash cards, I don't think he would have caught on so quickly.
Below,we have connected technology and writing development.

                                      I Met Him Halfway.
  In an effort to be reach to our students, we must meet them halfway.
Where are our students?  Facebook,Twitter...
Out of my comfort Zone...
  For the past year, I have enjoyed sharing my ideas with other educators. Likewise, I have have been overwhelmed by the knowledge that I have taken from other teachers. 
Teachers from all around the world can share advice and experiences.It is an amazing thing.
Ways to use Social Media in the Classroom:
1. Students and parents can ask homework questions.
2. Teachers can post the word of the day.
3. Homework can be posted.
4. Teachers could post the agenda for the day.
5. Teachers could post a vocabulary list.
6. Instead of "Notes Home", teachers could use a direct message instead. (Private)
7. Word of the Day.
8. Inform the absent student.
9. Social media might be a way for students to work on a group project.
10.Teachers could use media for enrichment sites.

A World Without Glue Sticks

I love to find new teaching tools...especially those that foster self expression. :)
This week, I learned about a site called,  Glogster. Students can show learning and teachers can put up reminders...
Without Glue Sticks!
(I made the one above, students always forget the formula.)
Check This Out:
I told a student what the site was called and asked her to create a
tool that we could put up at the begining of class(for review).
She typed in the words and seemed very bored.
She discovered she could animate her work. #LostHerAfterThat

A quick Poem I made about Frida Kahlo.
Students could do the same. :)

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Vocabulary Remix!

This week, I chose not to give a vocabulary test.The students used a choice board, to demonstrate what they had learned. My learners were so engaged!

Rigor Relevance Framework
Many of the products will fall under Quadrants B and C.Students are using concepts and vocabulary to make something new.Products included raps,songs,games,tee-shirt design and letters.
Directors in Training
If I could show you the recordings,I TOTALLY would.The students recorded everything.One rap ended in a close-up facial shot! Kids are the best!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Where Do Our Apps Fall?

We are exploring so many apps in our classes.  Check out this app. I know what you are thinking...another virtual tour.  Well, you have never taken a virtual tour like this.

Using this app, students took a tour of Napolean's former residence. The pictures are crystal clear.  They aimed the ipad at the classroom ceiling and they saw Napoleon's ceiling.  You must try it for yourself. It is very Twilight Zone!

After discussion with a fellow teacher, I beleive that this app falls between Augmentation and Modification.
In the past, we would have viewed this residence in books,videos,or even slides.

In terms of the programs that we use in school...
I use ,"I can learn" everyday.

It may be Substitution/Augmentation.  However,it is powered by the pace of each student. 

Hey there, No Pressure

"How will we prepare our students for jobs that don't exist?".

I have heard this question quite a few times...and every time...I get really nervous.
That question really makes you want to re-evalute things.  It becomes obvious which lessons have real purpose. 

 As it turns out, I am doing better than I thought! 
This week, my Spanish students learned about the Aztec writing system #GlobalAwareness. 
I challenged my students to create a story...using only pictures.
We did an example on the board.  I drew, and I allowed the students to contribute ideas.
The story was about me...
One of my classes made me slip into a portal that took me to another world.

After our group example, the students had to work with one another to create their own works #CommunicationAndCollaboration.

Finally the students shared on the Elmo #TechSkills.

The students found that it was quite the challenge to create something in a different way #CriticalThinking. They did really well with sharing ideas and trying to compromise #Collab.

My favorite parts are when I am able to observe and facilitate compromise. I also love seeing them support one another after sharing. (Of course...the actual product.)

To improve: Students could use this as a draft.  They could use an app that would allow them to draw, speak and share.

In general: I think I need to think about every lesson in terms on 21st century learning. pressure!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Houston,We Have a Problem

If there are two things that keep me from using technology,they include...

A. The fact that I have to set it all up,while the students are there. I don 't have a classroom.
B. Things will go wrong while I am teaching. I will have to become Ms.ComputerFix...while they give in to talking. (Not a distraction,at all.)

Last week, I wanted to introduce a country using something I found online. I thought it would be better than a worksheet.

Facts: That class has 26 students.
I have to re-arrange seats,set out materials and write Br/Eq on the board before they can come in.
 The computer...cords...outlets...log On.
 Sometimes,the teacher stays...his head would be in the path of a projector light.(this day,it was) This would raise the question of where to put the cart.

What happened.... I found two students to help with tech set up,while I did something else. My back up plan was to have the students engaged in an activity,while I set up. I was proud of myself,until the videos kept freezing.
I clicked refresh,it played...then it stopped. I clicked refresh,it played...then it stopped. I did a song and dance as if I had planned it that way.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

An App for That...

So, I have an ipad. Yay! what do I do? I am sad to say that my son, who is 4, handles it better than I do.

I have been trying apps with him, then thinking about how I can use it for my classroom.
His favorite app, allows him to draw and record his own stories. #LiteracyAndFineMotor

I plan on using it in my classes.  I bought a pen and an adapter to go with it. I could record a presentation and show the class.  Also, I would love to let my students use this to illustrate language use. #LessPaper